Saturday, February 5th & Saturday, February 12th, 2022
Fertility Awareness Method is a practice of observing and charting fertility signs to determine fertile and infertile days in a menstrual cycle. This method can be used as birth control, to achieve pregnancy, and as an indispensable tool to monitor and gauge gynecological health.
In this two-class workshop, Liz Philbrick of Wild Rose Women’s Health will dive into the anatomy and physiology of the menstrual cycle. We will discuss the details of the fertility awareness method: how it works, how to monitor fertility signs, how to chart, and how to use those charts to achieve or avoid pregnancy. We will also look at sample charts and learn how to interpret them and recognize cycle irregularities. This two-part online class will give you a better understanding of how your body works and will enable you to take control of your reproductive health.
This class is taught online through the Zoom platform.